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Capitalization Rules


You should capitalize:


all proper nouns.


Eg. Kim Stockwood, Bloor Street, India, Nova Scotia, Thanksgiving, May, Museum of Civilization.


all proper adjectives (a proper adjective is made from a proper noun).


Eg. the Russian language, Thai food, American tourists


a person’s title when it comes before a name.


Eg. Mayor Lastman, Doctor Robitaille, Professor Chan


abbreviations of titles.


Eg. Ms. C. Cohen, Dr. Katsak, Gen. Milne


abbreviations of days and months, parts of addresses, and titles of members of the armed forces. 


Eg. Wed; Dec; 403 S. Oxford St.; Maj. Sally T. Lange; Markham, ON; L3R 1E5


the first word of a sentence and of each line of poetry (although there are some cases where this is not true for poetry).


Eg.   They wandered through the hills and streams

       In search of their forgotten dreams.


the first word of a direct quotation.


Eg. Juan said, “Let’s find a place to eat.”


the first, last, and all important words in the titles of books, poems, stories and songs.


Eg. The Stone Angel; “Shooting the Sun”



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